High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'



Teacher: Miss Dunn 

Who? Girls and Boys Year 4, 5 and 6

When? Every Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Where? KS2 Yard

What do I need? Sports kit and trainers, shin pads and gum shield. Sticks and balls provided, but you can bring your own if you would like. 


As your skills develop you will have the opportunity to participate in tournaments representing our School.   

If you would like to give it a try...see Miss Dunn and she will happily tell you everything you need to know about the club.


