High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'


Distance Learning and Google Classroom

Our aim is to support our children and their families through our communication platforms and distance learning resources.


Digital platforms in every class from Nursery to Year 6

  • Class Dojo - teacher to parent communication and photos shared via private class story
  • HWB - HWB logins have been provided for all children, allowing them access to educational resources, games and Microsoft Office 365 through the platform.
  • Google Classroom - accessed through HWB for sharing homework activities and resources, as well as material for further distance learning. Each Google class has a unique classroom code for you to join. 


HWB user guide - CLICK HERE

J2Launch user guide - CLICK HERE

Google classroom user guide - CLICK HERE


Online Safety 

As part of our on-going Digital Education at High Cross we teach the children about the importance of eSafety. This aspect of their learning focuses on the Digital Competence Framework Strand - Digital Citizenship, by promoting the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology.

Online Safety letter for parents/ carers - December 2024


This is taught at the appropriate level right across the school.

We have Digital Leaders who have on-going training to update them on current apps and programmes to support other learners. They also promote the safe and responsible use of technology in our lessons.

We participate in Safer Internet Day every year and hold a Digital Citizenship week in school. These days help us to continue raising the profile of eSafety.

"A Safer and Happier Online World" Information Pack for Parents and Carers - CLICK HERE

Below is a link to family guides on the Hwb website including screen time, app and TV settings, game age ratings and general digital citizenship. When you open the link, on the left hand side of the website you can make a specific search by selecting age, resource and publishers.

Hwb family guides


Communication with our families

  • Teachers 2 Parents - our school communication text message and email service, used to send letters, messages and our High Cross Chronicles at a class or whole school level. 
  • School website - the latest school information and policies
  • Twitter - to celebrate learning and experiences, as well as to inform the wider community.


If you require further information regarding any of these digital tools, please contact Miss Dunn (Digital Lead) via the school email or telephone.


Additional Distance Learning Resources:

we have compiled a list of useful resources and websites, which we hope you will find useful:


List of educational companies offering free subscription - CLICK HERE

30 Day Lego Challenges - CLICK HERE

WRU Exercise for 8-11 year olds during isolation - CLICK HERE

Go Noodle Dance and Fitness - CLICK HERE

Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness - CLICK HERE

Code club projects to explore - CLICK HERE

Times Tables Rockstars - CLICK HERE

Duolingo to practice Welsh and learn other languages - CLICK HERE