High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'



High Cross have their very own Criw Cymraeg, who help to raise the profile of

incidental Welsh used in and outside of the classroom.

We were awarded our Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award in December 2019.

Current Action - Working towards our Cymraeg Campus Silver Award


 Brawddeg yr Pythefnos

Criw Cymraeg introduce the phrase of the fortnight in assembly and use actions to help us remember them.

 The current phrase(s):

‘Sut wyt ti?'
How are you?


Here are some great Welsh games you can play:

Suitable Welsh Second Language Apps for Primary School Children - Click Here